

class eth.rlp.transactions.BaseTransactionMethods
gas_used_by(computation: ComputationAPI) int

Return the gas used by the given computation. In Frontier, for example, this is sum of the intrinsic cost and the gas used during computation.

validate() None

Hook called during instantiation to ensure that all transaction parameters pass validation rules.

property access_list: Sequence[Tuple[Address, Sequence[int]]]

Get addresses to be accessed by a transaction, and their storage slots.

property chain_id: int | None
property intrinsic_gas: int

Convenience property for the return value of get_intrinsic_gas


class eth.rlp.transactions.BaseTransactionFields(*args, **kwargs)
property data
property gas
property gas_price

Will raise AttributeError if get or set on a 1559 transaction.

property hash: Hash32

Return the hash of the transaction.

property nonce
property r
property s
property to
property v
property value


class eth.rlp.transactions.BaseTransaction(*args, **kwargs)
classmethod decode(encoded: bytes) SignedTransactionAPI

This decodes a transaction that is encoded to either a typed transaction or a legacy transaction, or even the payload of one of the transaction types. It assumes that typed transactions are not rlp-encoded first.

If dealing with an object that is rlp encoded first, then use this instead:

rlp.decode(encoded, sedes=TransactionBuilderAPI)

For example, you may receive a list of transactions via a devp2p request. Each transaction is either a (legacy) rlp list, or a (new-style) bytestring. Even if the transaction is a bytestring, it’s wrapped in an rlp bytestring, in that context. New-style transactions will not be wrapped in an RLP bytestring in other contexts. They will just be an EIP-2718 type-byte plus payload of concatenated bytes, which cannot be decoded as RLP. An example context for this is calculating the transaction root hash.

encode() bytes

This encodes a transaction, no matter if it’s: a legacy transaction, a typed transaction, or the payload of a typed transaction. See more context in decode.

property data
property gas
property gas_price

Will raise AttributeError if get or set on a 1559 transaction.

property nonce
property r
property s
property to
property v

In old transactions, this v field combines the y_parity bit and the chain ID. All new usages should prefer accessing those fields directly. But if you must access the original v, then you can cast to this API first (after checking that type_id is None).

property value


class eth.rlp.transactions.BaseUnsignedTransaction(*args, **kwargs)
property data
property gas
property gas_price
property nonce
property to
property value