class eth.vm.base.VM(header: BlockHeaderAPI, chaindb: ChainDatabaseAPI, chain_context: ChainContextAPI, consensus_context: ConsensusContextAPI)

alias of PowConsensus

apply_all_transactions(transactions: Sequence[SignedTransactionAPI], base_header: BlockHeaderAPI) Tuple[BlockHeaderAPI, Tuple[ReceiptAPI, ...], Tuple[ComputationAPI, ...]]

Determine the results of applying all transactions to the base header. This does not update the current block or header of the VM.

  • transactions – an iterable of all transactions to apply

  • base_header – the starting header to apply transactions to


the final header, the receipts of each transaction, and the computations

apply_all_withdrawals(withdrawals: Sequence[WithdrawalAPI]) None

Updates the state by applying all withdrawals. This does not update the current block or header of the VM.


withdrawals – an iterable of all withdrawals to apply

apply_transaction(header: BlockHeaderAPI, transaction: SignedTransactionAPI) Tuple[ReceiptAPI, ComputationAPI]

Apply the transaction to the current block. This is a wrapper around apply_transaction() with some extra orchestration logic.

  • header – header of the block before application

  • transaction – to apply

apply_withdrawal(withdrawal: WithdrawalAPI) None
classmethod block_preprocessing(state: StateAPI, header: BlockHeaderAPI) None

Process any state changes before processing a block. Pre-processing does not become relevant until the Cancun network upgrade.

classmethod build_state(db: AtomicDatabaseAPI, header: BlockHeaderAPI, chain_context: ChainContextAPI, previous_hashes: Iterable[Hash32] = ()) StateAPI

You probably want VM().state instead of this.

Occasionally, you want to build custom state against a particular header and DB, even if you don’t have the VM initialized. This is a convenience method to do that.

classmethod create_execution_context(header: BlockHeaderAPI, prev_hashes: Iterable[Hash32], chain_context: ChainContextAPI) ExecutionContextAPI

Create and return the ExecutionContextAPI` for the given header, iterable of block hashes that precede the block and the chain_context.

classmethod create_genesis_header(**genesis_params: Any) BlockHeaderAPI

Create a genesis header using this VM’s rules.

This is equivalent to calling create_header_from_parent() with parent_header set to None.

create_transaction(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) SignedTransactionAPI

Proxy for instantiating a signed transaction for this VM.

classmethod create_unsigned_transaction(*, nonce: int, gas_price: int, gas: int, to: Address, value: int, data: bytes) UnsignedTransactionAPI

Proxy for instantiating an unsigned transaction for this VM.

execute_bytecode(origin: Address, gas_price: int, gas: int, to: Address, sender: Address, value: int, data: bytes, code: bytes, code_address: Address | None = None) ComputationAPI

Execute raw bytecode in the context of the current state of the virtual machine. Note that this skips over some of the logic that would normally happen during a call. Watch out for:

  • value (ether) is not transferred

  • state is not rolled back in case of an error

  • The target account is not necessarily created

  • others…

For other potential surprises, check the implementation differences between ComputationAPI.apply_computation() and ComputationAPI.apply_message(). (depending on the VM fork)

finalize_block(block: BlockAPI) BlockAndMetaWitness

Perform any finalization steps like awarding the block mining reward, and persisting the final state root.

classmethod generate_block_from_parent_header_and_coinbase(parent_header: BlockHeaderAPI, coinbase: Address) BlockAPI

Generate block from parent header and coinbase.

get_block() BlockAPI

Return the current block.

classmethod get_block_class() Type[BlockAPI]

Return the Block class that this VM uses for blocks.

get_header() BlockHeaderAPI

Return the current header.

classmethod get_receipt_builder() Type[ReceiptBuilderAPI]

Return the class that this VM uses to encode and decode receipts.

classmethod get_state_class() Type[StateAPI]

Return the class that this VM uses for states.

classmethod get_transaction_builder() Type[TransactionBuilderAPI]

Return the class that this VM uses to build and encode transactions.

import_block(block: BlockAPI) BlockAndMetaWitness

Import the given block to the chain.

in_costless_state() Iterator[StateAPI]

Return a ContextManager with the current state wrapped in a temporary block. In this state, the ability to pay gas costs is ignored.

mine_block(block: BlockAPI, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) BlockAndMetaWitness

Mine the given block. Proxies to self.pack_block method.

pack_block(block: BlockAPI, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) BlockAPI

Pack block for mining.

  • coinbase (bytes) – 20-byte public address to receive block reward

  • uncles_hash (bytes) – 32 bytes

  • state_root (bytes) – 32 bytes

  • transaction_root (bytes) – 32 bytes

  • receipt_root (bytes) – 32 bytes

  • bloom (int) –

  • gas_used (int) –

  • extra_data (bytes) – 32 bytes

  • mix_hash (bytes) – 32 bytes

  • nonce (bytes) – 8 bytes

set_block_transactions_and_withdrawals(base_block: BlockAPI, new_header: BlockHeaderAPI, transactions: Sequence[SignedTransactionAPI], receipts: Sequence[ReceiptAPI], withdrawals: Sequence[WithdrawalAPI] | None = None) BlockAPI

Create a new block with the given transactions and/or withdrawals.

validate_block(block: BlockAPI) None

Validate the given block.

classmethod validate_gas(header: BlockHeaderAPI, parent_header: BlockHeaderAPI) None
classmethod validate_header(header: BlockHeaderAPI, parent_header: BlockHeaderAPI) None

eth.exceptions.ValidationError – if the header is not valid

classmethod validate_receipt(receipt: ReceiptAPI) None

Validate the given receipt.

validate_seal(header: BlockHeaderAPI) None

Validate the seal on the given header.

validate_seal_extension(header: BlockHeaderAPI, parents: Iterable[BlockHeaderAPI]) None

Validate the seal on the given header when all parents must be present. Parent headers that are not yet in the database must be passed as parents.

classmethod validate_uncle(block: BlockAPI, uncle: BlockHeaderAPI, uncle_parent: BlockHeaderAPI) None

Validate the given uncle in the context of the given block.

block_class: Type[BlockAPI] = None
chaindb: ChainDatabaseAPI = None
cls_logger = <Logger eth.vm.base.VM (WARNING)>
extra_data_max_bytes: ClassVar[int] = 32
fork: str = None
property logger: Logger
property previous_hashes: Iterable[Hash32] | None

Convenience API for accessing the previous 255 block hashes.

property state: StateAPI

Return the current state.